Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Dearest Blog,
A week or so ago I got a background check for a babysitting/nanny website.  They required my address to mail me the results.  So, not thinking too much about it, I put in my current EL address.  Now they can’t confirm that I am who I say I am and flagged my account.  During interviews I’m forced to convince people that I’m not trying to steal anybody’s identity because I’m a huge sketch-ball that shouldn’t be around children; I just foolishly put in the wrong address.  What sucks is that I’ve never been in any sort of legal trouble (I did get a speeding ticket once when I was 16) and would consider myself a square. 
Peef and I have been skyping a lot lately.  She can be a real drag to talk to at times.  Whenever there is a lull in the conversation or she says something that bothers me I give her ten minutes of “Feet Time”.  Feet Time is when I move the camera from my face to my feet (note that is most effective when feet are bare).  I can’t quite tell if Peef minds it because normally I turn the volume off and play solitaire during Feet Time. 
I would like to take this moment to promote talking to me on skype.  It will enrich your life.          
After a month of being here we finally found out what building the laundry machines are in.  We did 4 loads of laundry today.  I was getting frighteningly low on essentials. 
I chopped off 6 inches of my hair the other day at a salon school.  The perk of going to a school is that it only costs $16 and you’re not allowed to tip because students cut your hair.  The downside is that a student is cutting your hair.  The student I had did a good job but it took 2.5hrs to get it done. 
Anyways, the cut looks like this: 

I’m not sure what happened to my face.  It would be interesting if it stayed like this. 
Gloria, my best friend here, started swimming on her side a little bit.  I’ll be really sad if she dies. 

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