Thursday, December 12, 2013

big sigh of relief

the semester just wrapped up. oddly enough, when i consider that the semester is over, i'm feeling a little down. i realize that i'll probably never do any more wheel throwing or painting again - and that's pretty damn sad. i haven't gotten my grades back in either of those classes, but i think i did well in both. i had a leg up in wheel throwing because i had taken it before - but my work didn't actually get that much better. on the final project (some 30 pieces - 15 of which i turned in) the glazes came out wrong and it was really disappointing. regardless, ceramics had become a sort of therapy for me. i'd have a bad throwing day here and there but for the most part it was a really enjoyable experience. keep in mind that most of my pieces loose major points when you see how i glaze them. i never took to glazing. it's the worst.
painting was another story. while in throwing i was very concerned with technically sound pieces (light weight, even walls, comfortable handles...) but in painting i just let my instincts take over. i'm comfortable with most of the work that i made and actually really enjoy a couple of them - meaning that there are only a couple that i would really like to throw out and i have one hanging on the wall.
the other day somebody suggested that i put a piece where i thought it didn't belong and i really fell in love with that idea. in my final painting i made a sort of grid pattern and i used the idea of putting things where they don't belong. it makes me want to look at the painting more - this is coming from somebody that has never wanted to look at a painting more. i draw/paint lines almost to complete a compulsion. i like what lines and grids symbolize (an ongoing line or grid) but i also really like the way they divide and deconstruct an image.
so anyways, i guess it makes sense that i'm a little upset about being done with these classes. i learned something about myself and i enjoyed both of them greatly. i am grateful to be done with my art history classes. they were both highly beneficial to me - but for various reasons (pretty sure that was the last paper i'll ever have to write) i'm relieved to be done.
now i would like to go to sleep and not wake up until 1 or 2pm. god that would be amazing.