Friday, July 27, 2012

Lovely Summer

Unsettling colors of California 
Michigan friends on the walnut farm in Cali
Snuggle Bugs
Theme of the summer
Hide and seek 
Bug's feelings about the groomer 
Friends M&S on an unexpected visit
My visit home - Dad supervising 
Beach cuties 
Baseball makes life better 
Birthday boy 
Train ride 
It's good to be home.

Monday, July 9, 2012


We had mice a while ago. We killed a bunch and I thought they were all gone... One hadn't been caught in weeks. But today I saw a dead one- the only one that I've ever actually seen. I screamed and then burst into tears. I think that's a natural and appropriate reaction. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

My hs friends will be arriving tomorrow! I can't wait.