- At 12:01 January 1, 2011 I was sipping champagne at a party filled with well-dressed strangers. That's basically my last memory of the night. Panic button!
- I started working as a nanny for the D-list
celebrity family. Baby was cute. I still miss her.
-Attempting to sell Bird's hair... But mostly just failing miserably at it. At least I got a good blog post out of it
- The beloved Catman. Wow that guy was a creep. He would sit in the cramped hall of our condo and play with his cats at all hours of the night. Cats are creepy and so are the people that are really into them.
- Visiting Bloomington .... BAH! kidding! That place blows. HAHAHAHAHAHAH
- I watched Groundhogs Day a LOT in February. I miss having cable TV.
-Snowpocolypes. No, wait. I wasn't there. The pictures looked neat.
- Having somebody try and help Potato push my car up a small hill after a big snow. He did a face-plant into the snowy street after he lost traction and my car got over the hill. I really appreciated the help! I doubt this story made it onto his highlights of the year...
- K-Stillz surprise bday party. Has there ever been a more happy birthday girl? No. The answer is no.
- My birthday party. There was a great turnout for whirlyball and it was awesome seeing everybody. I kicked ass by the way. Hey, remember when Joe flung the ball at Potato's face from about 10 feet away from him? Classic.
-Beerfest with Moose and Potato. It was a grand ol' time. Next year's fest is on Feb 25th. Mark your calendars.
- Getting Bed Bug! Or, Bug for short. Buggers has been the cutest addition to the family since my own birth. He has also been the moodiest.
- April Fools's fake engagement. ooops
- Softball in EL. Our team was pretty horrible but it was nice to meet some people not in Potato's program to hang out with.
- Bug getting fixed. There is nothing more pathetic than a 4lbs dog unable to lift his head due to the weight of a 1lb cone. It was one of the most depressing weeks of my life. Poor Buggers.
- Former roommate's wedding. I was kinnda freaking out about going to such a small wedding (I think there were 30 people there) but it ended up being pretty cool. Going to the bar with the bridal party afterwards was also nice. It was interesting to see a relaxed wedding. Maybe something Potato should look into... Ahem.
- I missed Easter, the 4th, and Bristol this year. Mistakes? I have 3.
- Chigger bites. In some ways just as horrible as salmonella.
- Pop's birthday was really amusing this year. I don't think there was a person on the field that made less than 3 errors but nothing could wipe the smile from Dad's face that day. Giddy Dad is my favorite.
- Mark Buerle's perfect game. Wait, that wasn't this year? You're right. I just wanted to remind everybody that I was there.
- Moving sucks. I never want to move again. That is, unless it is to Chicago.
- Getting robbed two weeks after moving was equally as sucky. The EL cops taking 40mins to come and tell us that the robber had indeed left the house was infuriating.
- My wonderful family buying me a new computer after my broken one was stolen.
- EL street festivals. They have all the fun of big city festivals with the comfort of a small town. Lovely.
- Chicago visit with J Temperature and co. It's hard to be a host when you don't live in the city you're attempting to host in. However, we were able to make it work and it was an enjoyable weekend.
- The owl trying to scoop up Bug on a walk.
-Spartan football games and tailgating with undergrads
- Most amazing festival ever in Lincoln Park (the park). The festival included free food, free drinks, unique vendors, and awesome bands. If they have it again next year I plan to go. It really had something for everybody.
- Finally quitting my job.
- Cousin wedding. It was a fun wedding and perfectly timed to when I needed to see family.
- Working at Macy's. Big companies are not my favorite companies.
- Dancing with my roommates on Halloween. Both of them were in Tobias costumes from Arrested Development. Attractive? Not really. Funny? Very.
- Fakesgiving. The food was great and so was the company. Seeing Bug fall asleep in Big Bird's arms was adorable. So was talking about puke and poop.
-Thanksgiving potluck with friends. Oh man. Never have I had a better homemade meal. Some of my friends have mad cooking skills.
-Working the 4AM shift on Black Friday. Longest. Day. Ever. Especially since it was my first day working the register. Oy.
- Going to see the Muppet movie with my roommate and Potato. Making Christmas decorations when we got home.
- Going to my first bears game. It wasn't pretty on the field but at least it wasn't freezing
- Joey's surprise 30th. I loved the look of awe on his face as he scanned the room. I do think his entrance would have been awesome if it were just T-Bone sitting in the room by himself in a hug-ready position... but there's always his 40th.
- D&A stealing Potato's phone
- I had a really fun Christmas this year. I enjoyed the poems written by T-Bone and S.K. The family grab bag was also pretty fun with the butt ticklers
- And last but certainly not least - Potato and celebrated our 5-year anniversary on December 28th. Yikes. I still remember our first date. We went out for coffee after dinner, then bowling (the only time I've ever beaten him), and to Ihop for some late night snacks. I knew on that date that something good was starting and I'm happy that I can say it worked out. I love you Potato and I'm a very lucky girl to have you.
- NYE spent at Maura's cottage. Fun time. Totally worth the hangover.