Sunday, December 30, 2012

"I don't play fantasy football but he's on my team if you know what I mean"- KDog

Saturday, December 8, 2012

P: The glasses my sister gave me are breaking
M: Yeah, I noticed.  They probably shouldn't put them in the dishwasher. Maybe we should hand wash them or only use them on special occasions
P: Special occasions?  Do you realize what you just said?  You said we should only use the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pint glasses on special occasions

finals week

monday morning i'll have my first final at msu.  i'm pretty sure i have straight a's going into finals so i'm not that worried.  and potato always tells me that i just need to get over the bar.  it's okay to trip over it.  but since i'm here i want to do this right.
last night we went out to celebrate with a friend just accepted teaching position at depaul.  a lot of people that were hanging were people i hadn't seen in months or in some cases, a year.  most of them are farther along in the program and will be moving on soon.  though i'm excited for them to be done and to start a new chapter i'll be really sad to see them go.  most of them are applying in chicago so my fingers are cross.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

all i can say is that i've been busy.  it's not fun but it does feel good to be productive and creative again.   doing really well in my classes thus far but i don't want to get my hopes up because it's only midterms.
in other news i'm going to a beer fest in detroit on saturday and i haven't figured out a halloween costume.  panic.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Busy Bee

For class we had to observe a scene.  If you're interested in reading about how I think - here's what I observed (unedited):

8:14 (PM) – Gone Wired CafĂ© (did it change its name?)
I’m at gone wired with my boyfriend/partner.  We come in and order a Huma – his favorite beer and one that I enjoy as well.  They didn’t have it the last time we were here.  The bartender is a lady probably closer to 35-40 years old.  She’s friendly but there’s not a note of recognition in her voice as checks my ID or as we again pick the IPA off the beer list.  The way that she dresses suggests that she’s down to earth.  There’s something awkward about the way that she tells us what beers that they have.  It might have something to do with them only starting to sell beer within the month or so. 
8:20 – It smells here.  It’s a weird burnt/musty/somebody puked in here smell.  Maybe if they went back to just selling coffee it wouldn't smell so bad. 
There’s a lot of interesting art work.  Nothing that I can see I could purchase but I still enjoy that they have work that is clearly from local artists. 
The lighting is bad in here.  Why study here? 
8:30 – lady comes up the stairs looking for a spot to sit.  She seems very disappointed with the ones that are available to her and her girlfriend (?) – the one that’s right across from me.  I don’t care much about what they are saying but they both have pleasant voices which is interesting to me. 
8:38 – The XX are playing.  It’s a song I don’t know but the last time we were here they had them on too.
8:44 – There are three people sitting so that if I were to look up I’d be staring at them.  I can’t quite tell the dynamic but it might be a girlfriend, boyfriend, and a friend.  They’re having a serious conversation.  Hang on! The woman in the yellow pants knows the girl that’s unhappy to be sitting here.  Grad students- I knew it.  Environmental sociology.  Neither of them has defended yet but I can’t tell if they’re in the same program. 
8:47 – The unhappy sitter and her not girlfriend but friend are both using yellow highlighters and drinking coffee.  Better yet, they both seem to not like the girl with the yellow pants that has now left. 
8:48 – There are about 15 people on this top level here.  I think I know one of them.  He’s a funny kid.  He’s built like the perfect person but he’s so soft-spoken and mild mannered that I find him boring.
8:50 – “Potatoes for Maggie” is yelled and I flinch because Pat and I call each other “Potato” (it’s a long story).  I try to tell him this tidbit but he’s too distracted with his music and reading.  I suppose that’s for the best because I should be doing more observing. 
8:52 – I realize that I’m very comfortable here.  So many coffee shops around here lack a sense of authenticity and local flare that I really appreciate. 
8:53 – Pat keeps rubbing his knuckles against his lip.  I do this too.  I wonder who did it first.  We’ve been dating for 6 years. We pick up each others habits - good and bad.  
8:54 – B&W stripped shirt and glasses girl steps up the bar with a guy that reminds me of Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons.  They stand next to two other people that are sitting at the bar.  Those two ordered a water and a beer.  The girl drank the beer (a stout) and the boy is sipping on the water.  Something about this I find amusing.  You don’t see the girl drinking and the boy obstaning often.  Those two odered food to go. 
8:57 the couple that just ordered came up and are now sitting where the group of there were sitting.  They could be loud talkers and this excites me. 
8:58 that is the guy that I know.  Somebody else just said hi to him and I saw his face. 
8:59 – bathroom break
9:03 – better
The newcomers to the upstairs ordered a light beer.  I’m judging them for not liking Huma.  Maybe they were going for the special to save a buck.  Still, not worth it. 
9:04 People are always moving.  Comic guy has a twitchy foot and taps his hand.  The girl keeps looking at her phone.  I wonder if he minds.  I can’t figure out their relationship. 
9:05 – Pat hardly moves when he’s doing work.  I can’t see his hands but I know he’s highlighting the screen as he reads his psych articles with the mouse.  It drives me crazy. 
9:06 – An XX song that I know comes on.  I notice that I’m nodding my head.  So does Pat. 
The girl that was working in the kitchen is tapping her head with the pen in time with the song.   She looks  crazy.  It’s a good song though so I get it. 
I’ve only had ¼ of my beer.  I should hurry.  Time is almost up
9:08 people don’t stop scratching and rubbing.   They look they have fleas. 
There’s a game room off to the side of the main room.  I keep hearing laughter.  I also heard somebody being introduced the group and somebody said “there’ll be a test in 5 minutes”.  It’s a bad joke.  Why do people say it all the time. 
9:10 The two that are sitting in the 3 people seat are quizzing each other.  I can’t tell at all what their subject might be.  They’re talking about sound waves.  Maybe something to do with ultrasounds. 
A man in a trench coat came in.  He looks dapper.  Nice hat.  Sorry Pat.
9:12 – There’s a women sitting behind me on the phone.  Today is the only day that I wish she would talk louder. 
9:13 – was that a burp or a slurp?
9:14 My friend is still here.  He’ll probably be the last to leave.  He’s a really hard worker. 
“Iso is equal” – what does that mean? 
9:15 – Pat is a champ.  Not once has he tried to talk to me.  He keeps pursing his lips.  He’s cute.  He’s also ¾ done with his beer. 
9:16 I can hear the bartender behind me moving around.  She switched CDs – I don’t know this band. 
There’s a girl in a really cute dress standing up/packing up across the room and down a level from me.  B&W stripped going down.  Belted.  Capped sleeves – I don’t like those on me.  Actually that dress would look horrible on me. 
9:19 There are two women here that are dressed “like a man.” They are both wearing the same shoes.  I say dressed like a man in quotes because they’re just dressed like themselves. 
9:20  a man from the game room came over and is pouring himself more water.  How to places like this pay rent?  This guy is taking up a huge table with two other water drinking friends and I just don’t get how they could be making money. 
9:22 the guys with the flash cards are talking about MRIs – nursing school?  I wouldn't have placed them in medical school based on their looks. 
9:23 the pretty dress left.  I like her shoes too.  We sell them where I work. 
Pat looks up as I get a text – “are you done?’’ looks back at his work before I can answer. 
9:30 – I reread and edit my notes.  Pat asks again if we are done and if we should go say hi to our peaceful friend. 
Hang on THEY ARE GFs!!! This makes me really happy.
She’s making coffee finally.  That smells a lot better.  

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Is there a "healthy" amount of rage that you can feel towards people who don't do their dishes?  I go 0-10 really fast.

Friday, September 14, 2012

I saw a girl in class today that had her hair in such a high bun that she looked like a unicorn.
Also, what ever happened to jeans? Spandex aren't pants. They're spandex.
I've aged myself a proper 10- years in the last 3 sentences.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Tomorrow I'm going to be on campus from 8:30AM to 8:30PM (at the earliest).
This has had its ups and downs. I flounder in drawing class but I excell in color and design. I'm nervouse that I'll struggle in both when we start doing painting in color. :/

Monday, August 27, 2012

I really hate it when people post on FB either a "Dear Facebook..." or "Dear God..." status. The first one because no matter what, the next line is very much a first world problem and the second because God doesn't use Facebook. She might have a twitter though.

In other news, KDog and Blue Jeans are getting married! Yay!!! Love love love

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hold your breath

I'm sitting here trying to write a post about how well I've been doing.  As my mind mulls over this state  I'm struggling to find the right words to express myself properly.  Telling my reader that I've been running and listening to music again isn't going to explain that I'm doing well.  I suppose the fact that I've been running and belting music whenever I'm given the opportunity is actually just a symptom of my state of being.  Other symptoms include dancing, renewed interest in various activities, smiling and laughing more, and just being a better person.  
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm worried that school will bring back the panic attacks and depression but for the first time ever I think I'll be able to handle it.  I'm nervously excited about going back.  I think part of it is because I've never wanted to go to school for the right reasons before.  It was mostly because it felt like the next step in my life, other people were doing it, or because I wanted to be a respectable partner for Potato.  But this time it's just for me.
I plan working while I'm enrolled.  I really enjoy time with my co-works and customers.

On a different note, I've been pretty busy lately.  Potato and I recently went to the upper WI North Woods.  I had a blast there.  On a typical day there, Potato and I would wake up early and go kayaking in the lake.  The afternoons were spent either playing in the water or hanging out on the boat sipping on beer and enjoying the stunning scenery. The first day there I saw a bald eagle and nearly wet myself.  We rented jetskis so I was able to drive one and go tubing for the first time (I hated it).  The evenings were more of the same delights plus an awesome home-cooked meal.  Pat and I even did some star watching but it was a little too early to be able to see the meteor shower.
The other night we had friends over to enjoy a campfire.  We have a really nice little section in the back of our house that we don't use as much as we should.  It's rather narrow but passes as pleasantly quaint.
This weekend Potato and I went to our friend Cap's wedding outside of Detroit.  Due to its location it worked out perfectly that we were able host Chicago people Friday night and drive up together the next morning.  Our house guests were greeted with a major drug bust across the street as they pulled up to the house (charming).  In the morning the group got together for a run.  I thought it was hilarious and quite fun.  I dropped out of the run after about a mile but the boys continued for another 3.5 or so.  At the wedding the workout continued with dancing.  In case you were wondering, Potato and Moose did get "Bad Romance" taken off the do-not-play-list and they killed it on the dance floor.  The best man approached them after watching their interpretive dance and hugged them to show his approval, saying "That was awesome."
This week will be an interesting one.  I have two long shifts Monday and Tuesday.  Wednesday I head to the classroom with a fully loaded backpack and a hat turned side-ways.  I have no intention of making my way to the cool kids table.
Wish me luck.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sometimes it bothers me that the bathroom is the best decorated room in the house.  

Friday, August 10, 2012

Sorry Patty

In the same way that MLB players are "due for a hit" I'm "due for a post."
One of these days I'll fill my reader in on how my summer has been.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Lovely Summer

Unsettling colors of California 
Michigan friends on the walnut farm in Cali
Snuggle Bugs
Theme of the summer
Hide and seek 
Bug's feelings about the groomer 
Friends M&S on an unexpected visit
My visit home - Dad supervising 
Beach cuties 
Baseball makes life better 
Birthday boy 
Train ride 
It's good to be home.

Monday, July 9, 2012


We had mice a while ago. We killed a bunch and I thought they were all gone... One hadn't been caught in weeks. But today I saw a dead one- the only one that I've ever actually seen. I screamed and then burst into tears. I think that's a natural and appropriate reaction. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

My hs friends will be arriving tomorrow! I can't wait.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Late night cooking

I made potato chips tonight. It was a second time I've tried.  The first time half of them burned.  This time they're super addictive and match perfectly in their serving bowl.  They're also Bug's favorite treat.

Monday, June 25, 2012

If Bug gets eaten by that unleashed pit-bull down the block I'm going to loose my shit.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

game night

Potato went to bed early tonight because he has to be up at 5:30.  So, naturally the night turned into game night with my Ma and Poop playing Draw on Skype.  Delightful.
Also Peef's screen froze like this.  Ha.  Classic.  

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

California Stars

Potato and I just got back from our trip to California.  Though the actual itinerary was horribly planned out we still had a great time.  The wedding itself was was of the sweetest I've ever seen.  Everything about it seemed so genuine.  Perhaps it was just that I knew the bride and groom well and I knew how happy they were.  Or, maybe it was just that you could see the amount of work that all their friends and family had put into their wedding that made it feel so special.  By keeping things simple the beauty of the ceremony really came out. The couple added their unique/fun touch to everything. Even with the eye-watering heart string-pulling vows, it was such a lighthearted feel. The groom cleverly weaved a "rickroll" into his vows and the bride "iced" the groom while they did the garter toss.  They took another step away from wedding norms and had a pre-ceremony cocktail hour.  When I first saw this on the invite I was a bit weary.  However, it was a great way to get everybody there on time and makes the schedule that much more flexible if the bride leaves her sash or a bridesmaid leaves her dress at home.  You can start the ceremony whenever because people are happily socializing, wandering around, and taking pictures.  The relaxed feel to the wedding went well with the location.  The whole thing was done on the Bride's family's walnut farm while it was 83 degrees and sunny.
The only thing that was a misstep was that the band was only okay.  They weren't bad musicians but the music they were playing wasn't very dancey.  So, when they took a break one of my friends put their ipod on and finally everybody started dancing.  After that, the band took the hint and just danced with us.  At that point my friends and I became the unofficial DJs using our phones and ipods to keep the party going.  (Note to self - don't hire a band unless they are 100% amazing) We finished the night with just my friends on the dance floor and 3 Killers songs in a row - of course, making it weird.  At the end of the night the Milky Way was in full bloom - cleverly trying to disguise itself as a cloud.  Naturally I was geeking out and needed to use Potato as a walking aid as I was far to busy looking up to share my focus with the ground.
Everything was just so lovely and perfect. When I speak of other weddings I'll usually site a showy prop used.  But here there was nothing showy.  It was so simple that it is hard to find the words to describe it.  The feelings and the beauty are the things I'll remember from this wedding.  Just true bliss.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Baby Bug had to go to the vet the other day to get his yearly shots.  Poor little guy.  The vet dragged him in by his leash to get him into the room.  I could hear him crying (screaming) from the waiting area.  When it was shot time at the pediatricians' office I'd always hear kids begging their parent (mother usually) "Don't let them do this! Help me!"  By the end of the visit I always sided with the kids.  Parents are jerks.  
Look at Yoda Bug.  He'll never trust us again.  


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Also, good lord no....
As with most pictures I take/end up on this blog it is taken while driving.  The one (not cropped or altered in any way) was taken from Big Bird's car while on our way to my cousin's wedding on St. Paddy's day.  
Lovely, no? 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Date Night

Potato and I are going on a date tonight to see this:

I'm equally excited to see this show as I am to spend some time with Potato. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

You wouldn't be able to tell by looking at us - but Bug and I are fighting today.  

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I'll be going to California for the first time this June.  This will be the official wedding season kick-off.  Potato and I will be going to our first friend wedding (non-friend of the family style).  Hopefully, it will  be amazing.  As amazing as my dress.
On a different but slightly related note - I had a really funny/cheesy dream last night about Potato becoming the new Hollywood "It Boy."
I love love.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

update shmupdate

This time a month ago I was very busy and very stressed planning Potato's surprise birthday party.  Amazingly he had no idea.  There was a good showing and I was really happy that so many people were able to come out especially since the party didn't start till 11PM and we were up till 5AM the night before. Somebody pointed out at the party that Potato is a good person to throw a surprise party for because he's pretty oblivious.  I can't help but agree.  However, I don't think I'll ever throw him another surprise party.  It was really hard not being able to talk about things openly with him and to be able to whine about things when needed (that's what relationships are about, right?).  
Potato actually got 3 birthdays this year because he had one on his birthday and a couple days later we went to the Bulls/Pistons game at the Palace.  It should have been an easy win for the Bulls but they made it interesting by going into OT and winning.  This game is up there with Mark Buehrle's perfect game for most exciting sporting events I've ever been to.  I was worried we got there that maybe I shouldn't have worn my Rose (RIP) t-shirt because I'd be in enemy territory.  When I got to the Palace I realized that this was a silly concern.  The crowd was about 40/60 Bulls/Pistons fans.  I wasn't out of place at all.  
Packed house.  

Besides Potato's birthday extravaganza not too much has been going on.  I'm still taking this math class that I really hate but I'll be done with soon.  
We went to the Sox-Tigers game in Detroit yesterday.  I know everybody talks shit about Detroit but the downtown area is really cool.  The baseball and football stadiums are literally right next to each other and in the heart of the city.  The stadium itself is really sweet.  It's built low so that you can watch the game from the street.  It kinda goes without saying but has a lot more character and is nicer than the Cell.  The beers were also a lot cheaper.  They were selling PBR for $5... which is still morally wrong but seemed like a good idea at the time.  
The weather was awesome and so was the game.  The Sox came back in the 9th to win.  We were one of about ten Chicago fans in the stadium so we kept the celebration down to a minimum.  I actually started chanting "U-S-A! U-S-A!" after the win because nobody could get mad at me for being patriotic.  
I suppose that's it for current events.  I'll be in town for Mother's day.  


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I'm scaring myself.

Today I doubled my sales goal, received two accomplishment recognition cards (one from the regional manager), opened two accounts, and found out I am the second highest producing employee of my sales type at the store.  Not to mention that on Saturday I made between $20 and $30 an hour. BOOM
 I've been kicking ass.

I feel so weird talking about this because I never thought I'd like sales.  I also suspect that most people wouldn't expect me to thrive with this job.  However, I really like that the work that I do is rewarded.  It should be noted that people have told me that I have somewhat of a competitive streak... I mean, a little.
Anyway, this place has created a sales crazed monster.
#1 - You've had your head start in experience and sales to date.  Now I'm going to bring you down.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I've never had to buy body wash or lotion in my life.  People always end up giving them to me as gifts before I run out.  I wish I could say the same thing for cupcakes and cotton candy.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Potato got the job!!! Bwhahaha good week streak continues!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Everybody I've talked to: Hey are you in town?
Me: Yes
Everybody I've talked to: Cool. Did you bring Bug with?
Me: No
Everybody I've talked to: ...oh

Monday, March 19, 2012

I'm too old to be spending my afternoons doing math.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I'm shocked that I'm not only thinking this, but it's actually true... I like my job. I'm good at it and my boss likes me.
Going to bed happy again tonight.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Saturday, March 3, 2012

No news

I've been really busy lately.  I've picked up a bunch of hours at work (which has been a lot easier to do since a full-time person quit) and they've also given me a raise.  Which is nice.
I've also started taking a math class so I can get into MSU.  This part of my life I'm a bit on the fence about.  The class is online and a lot of work.  It also has a tendency to stress me out and I'm worried that I'm going to start having panic attacks again.  Some of you might know that the last time I was in school I started having panic attacks before class and thus never obtained a college diploma.  There were a lot of reasons for these moments but I'm not going to get into them today.  Also, I know that being worried about having panic attacks that I haven't started having yet... is a little crazy.
I've also started a jewelry blog.  It isn't quite where I want it to be yet, so I'm not going to post a link.  On the blog I post a picture of a piece of jewelry I made once a day (ideally for 366 days... however I'm getting the sense this is going to be much harder to do than originally thought).  At the end of the post the plan is to have a link to a place where you can buy my jewelry.  I really liked the idea of the blog, and I've always wanted to have a jewelry blog, but it has been hard.  Taking good pictures and editing them everyday is very time consuming.  So is coming up with a business plan and pricing the pieces.  
Besides these three part-time "jobs" things have been overall good.  As much as I love Chicago and miss my friends and family the distance has been really good for me.  It has given me the chance to reflect and figure out what I want.  It has allowed me to really appreciate my little family here.  Potato has been the best thing to ever happened to me.   I've hit some very low lows but he has been there for me and pulled me out of them each and every time.  I've also gotten very close to this little man :
He does a good job of reminding me that life is short and it's important to be happy.  Even when you have a weird face.  

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bug was faking sick.  I think he knew we were going out of town.  All of you (especially Moose because I know you were REALLY WORRIED) can sleep easy.
Anywhozers, Potato and I will be coming into town next Sunday.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Oh Buggers.

The little man isn't feeling well. Potato just let me know that the vet took the little guy into the back because she thought Bug was biting her to protect Potato.  Adorable.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I listen to songs on repeat repeatedly (HA!).  My roommates hate me.
Anyway, this is what I've been listening to on repeat since I moved to EL-

Mason Jennings - Which Way Your Heart Will Go
Al Green - Lets Stay Together
Ray LaMontagne - Trouble
Gotye- Somebody I Used to Know
Belle & Sebastian - Get Me Away From Here I'm Dying

This is how I waste my time.  That, watching Friday Night Lights, and playing Bejeweled.

Monday, January 16, 2012

I've always been outspoken advocate against running.  I'd often whine about how it's not fun and people who say they like running are lying to themselves.  Nobody likes running.  It's horrible and playing sports is a better exercising outlet. Oddly enough, Potato and I have started running together.  I guess it started because I was getting to the point where I needed to buy new pants if I didn't lose weight.  I didn't actually care about the number the scale said or my body shape.  I've always been pretty comfortable with myself.  It's because I'm a cheap ass that I started running.  I like new clothes but I don't like spending money on them.  A great deal of my clothes are from high school.  I'm actually wearing a sweater and socks that I've had since 8th grade at the moment.  I won’t get into the details about my underwear... you get the idea. So buying new clothes simply wasn't an option. 

I imagine it is just as painful to watch us run as it is for me to physically do it.  Potato easily could walk next to me but he putters alongside doing the "knees glued together trot." I always hear people saying if they don't get their daily run in they feel guilty and like mush.  I'm actually starting to agree with them.  I still am horribly slow but I've gotten better about distance.  Yesterday on our run I was terrified of falling due to the icy roads.  I tiptoed for a mile rather than actually jogging.  But I still felt good about doing it.  I've lost weight and it shouldn't be long until my pants fit comfortably again.  

In other news, Macy's kept me.  It's funny; I didn't really want the job. So, naturally I nailed the interview (I'm a total freak when I'm nervous - I give off the crazy vibe).  I haven't decided what department I want to be in yet.  Everybody says you can make a lot of money in shoes... but I'm not at that point.  I know I should be rewriting my resume and applying to other places but it's hard to get started with that again.  I feel depleted.  The motivation for job searching again isn't coming as naturally to me as it usually does.  I'm hoping that being underemployed will wear thin soon.  I know I would love a full-time job.    

At the moment I’m saving money for a good camera.  I figure as long as I’m in E.L. I might as well be working on my jewelry.  I think I’ll prefer jewelry parties to selling online but that isn’t going to be enough living here.  It’s time to suck it up and get online.  I’ve stalled long enough.  

Monday, January 2, 2012

Highlights '11

- At 12:01 January 1, 2011 I was sipping champagne at a party filled with well-dressed strangers.  That's basically my last memory of the night.  Panic button!
- I started working as a nanny for the D-list celebrity family.  Baby was cute.  I still miss her.
-Attempting to sell Bird's hair... But mostly just failing miserably at it. At least I got a good blog post out of it
- The beloved Catman.  Wow that guy was a creep.  He would sit in the cramped hall of our condo and play with his cats at all hours of the night.  Cats are creepy and so are the people that are really into them.
- Visiting Bloomington .... BAH! kidding! That place blows.  HAHAHAHAHAHAH
- I watched Groundhogs Day a LOT in February.  I miss having cable TV.
-Snowpocolypes.  No, wait.  I wasn't there.  The pictures looked neat.
- Having somebody try and help Potato push my car up a small hill after a big snow.  He did a face-plant into the snowy street after he lost traction and my car got over the hill.  I really appreciated the help!  I doubt this story made it onto his highlights of the year...
- K-Stillz surprise bday party.  Has there ever been a more happy birthday girl?  No.  The answer is no.
- My birthday party.  There was a great turnout for whirlyball and it was awesome seeing everybody.  I kicked ass by the way.  Hey, remember when Joe flung the ball at Potato's face from about 10 feet away from him?  Classic.
-Beerfest with Moose and Potato.  It was a grand ol' time.  Next year's fest is on Feb 25th.  Mark your calendars.
- Getting Bed Bug!  Or, Bug for short.  Buggers has been the cutest addition to the family since my own birth.  He has also been the moodiest.
- April Fools's fake engagement.  ooops
- Softball in EL.  Our team was pretty horrible but it was nice to meet some people not in Potato's program to hang out with.
- Bug getting fixed.  There is nothing more pathetic than a 4lbs dog unable to lift his head due to the weight of a 1lb cone.  It was one of the most depressing weeks of my life.  Poor Buggers.
- Former roommate's wedding.  I was kinnda freaking out about going to such a small wedding (I think there were 30 people there) but it ended up being pretty cool.  Going to the bar with the bridal party afterwards was also nice.  It was interesting to see a relaxed wedding.  Maybe something Potato should look into... Ahem.
- I missed Easter, the 4th, and Bristol this year.  Mistakes? I have 3.
- Chigger bites.  In some ways just as horrible as salmonella. 
- Pop's birthday was really amusing this year.  I don't think there was a person on the field that made less than 3 errors but nothing could wipe the smile from Dad's face that day.  Giddy Dad is my favorite.
- Mark Buerle's perfect game.  Wait, that wasn't this year?  You're right.  I just wanted to remind everybody that I was there.
- Moving sucks.  I never want to move again.  That is, unless it is to Chicago.
- Getting robbed two weeks after moving was equally as sucky.  The EL cops taking 40mins to come and tell us that the robber had indeed left the house was infuriating.
- My wonderful family buying me a new computer after my broken one was stolen.
- EL street festivals.  They have all the fun of big city festivals with the comfort of a small town.  Lovely.
- Chicago visit with J Temperature and co.  It's hard to be a host when you don't live in the city you're attempting to host in.  However, we were able to make it work and it was an enjoyable weekend.
- The owl trying to scoop up Bug on a walk.
-Spartan football games and tailgating with undergrads
- Most amazing festival ever in Lincoln Park (the park).  The festival included free food, free drinks, unique vendors, and awesome bands.  If they have it again next year I plan to go.  It really had something for everybody.  
- Finally quitting my job.
-  Cousin wedding.  It was a fun wedding and perfectly timed to when I needed to see family.
- Working at Macy's.  Big companies are not my favorite companies.
- Dancing with my roommates on Halloween.  Both of them were in Tobias costumes from Arrested Development.  Attractive?  Not really.  Funny?  Very.
- Fakesgiving.  The food was great and so was the company.  Seeing Bug fall asleep in Big Bird's arms was adorable.  So was talking about puke and poop.
-Thanksgiving potluck with friends.  Oh man.  Never have I had a better homemade meal.  Some of my friends have mad cooking skills.
-Working the 4AM shift on Black Friday.  Longest. Day. Ever.  Especially since it was my first day working the register.  Oy.
- Going to see the Muppet movie with my roommate and Potato.  Making Christmas decorations when we got home.
- Going to my first bears game.  It wasn't pretty on the field but at least it wasn't freezing
- Joey's surprise 30th.  I loved the look of awe on his face as he scanned the room.  I do think his entrance would have been awesome if it were just T-Bone sitting in the room by himself  in a hug-ready position... but there's always his 40th.
- D&A stealing Potato's phone
- I had a really fun Christmas this year.  I enjoyed the poems written by T-Bone and S.K. The family grab bag was also pretty fun with the butt ticklers
- And last but certainly not least - Potato and celebrated our 5-year anniversary on December 28th.  Yikes.  I  still remember our first date.  We went out for coffee after dinner, then bowling (the only time I've ever beaten him), and to Ihop for some late night snacks.  I knew on that date that something good was starting and I'm happy that I can say it worked out.  I love you Potato and I'm a very lucky girl to have you.
- NYE spent at Maura's cottage.  Fun time.  Totally worth the hangover.